23 June 2012

A Life Well-Remembered

14March 2012, yet another funeral for a friend's mom was attended. February of 2011, the life of a friend's father, from the same set of friends as the former, was also celebrated most sadly such that a month prior it was her mother's burial rites we observed.

as my life been trivial? Had it been of worth that in my deathbed  I can actually take pride on most of the moments lived?

14March 2012, yet another funeral for a friend's mom was attended. February of 2011, the life of a friend's father, from the same set of friends as the former, was also celebrated most sadly such that a month prior it was her mother's burial rites we observed. Death, a time when people cry over a person's life that'll be surely missed. How will you know that you will be missed, that the life you spent will be well-remembered?

It must be consoling to know that there will be a single soul who'll weep should you go past this life; or even a single smile saying your life has been a significant one, that you've wasted no time during your existence.

05 June 2012

A Life On A Leaf